If you’re looking for an honest and legit review of Colombian Cupid, you definitely have come to the right place. In this review, I will talk about what Colombian Cupid is, how it works, and what’s the strategy to get the absolute best use of the site. All of this is based on my own experience of having lived about a year in Colombia via multiple trips.
Colombian Cupid is part of the Cupid Media family of niche sites consisting of such sites as Russian Cupid, Brazilian Cupid, Thai Cupid, and many others. Cupid Media is a reputable company that’s been around since 2000. They’re constantly praised for their transparency and ease of use.
Let’s beat around the bush: Colombian women are special not just in Latin America, but around the world. Everyone has heard about Colombian women and people can’t praise them enough.
What makes Colombian women so special? As someone who has spent more than a year traveling and living all over Colombia (Medellin was great), Colombian women have the amazing combination of both being sexy and very family-oriented. A Colombian girlfriend is someone you can take out to a nice dinner and dancing and is also someone with whom you can build a great family.
Moreover, Colombia is a very diverse country so whether you like your women fair skinned, a little darker, or even black, you can find it in Colombia. Regardless, what you want, the Colombian woman you meet will be caring, nurturing and someone you can have fun with a night out on the town or a girlfriend or even your future wife.
However, even with all the praise that Colombian women receive around the world, there are certain gotchas that you must familiarize with if you want to have an absolute best experience. Most of those gotchas will be covered in a section called “red flags,” and that is why online dating is a great method to meet these women.
When you meet women online, you have a buffer where you can first get to know the woman and figure out what she’s all about. If you sense that something isn’t right and is she’s not genuinely interested in you, can simply stop talking to her and continue talking to other women. Plus, provided that you’re meeting these women on a reputable dating site, you can have at least some peace of mind that the woman you’re getting with is interested in you and not your wallet.
I also know what you’re thinking: just use Tinder. Well, I’m here to tell you that the women on Tinder are usually of low quality and make poor girlfriend and relationship material. You’re much better off using a reputable dating site (such as Colombia Cupid) to meet these women.
Colombian Cupid vs. Tinder
We can’t really go into the review of Colombian Cupid without mentioning the other huge dating site: Tinder.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 10 years, you’re probably familiar with Tinder, which is one of the largest dating sites that’s rapidly sweeping the globe with its “swipe right, swipe left” system.
While Tinder is available in Colombia, so you can swipe right and left to your heart’s desire, it’s important the understand the main differences between it and Colombian Cupid.
First of all, Tinder is mostly used for casual hookups. It’s not really used for more serious relationships, but more so for short-term flings and such.
That’s because the entire app has a really low barrier to entry. It takes a minute to create a profile and begin swiping.
So, you don’t really need to put lots of effort into setting up a profile, looking at the women, and then contacting the ones you like.
Less effort, less serious women who aren’t really looking for anything serious.
Plus, there are tons of scammers on Tinder that you don’t really have on a more traditional dating site like Colombian Cupid.
If you’re looking for someone more serious, we highly recommend Colombian Cupid over Tinder. It’s a much more secure and an overall better site for meeting the woman of your dreams.
Colombian Cupid – How it works
Colombian Cupid works like any other dating site. When you register, you fill out the profile. There are two parts to the profile: your description and characteristics and the kind of women you’re looking for. For instance, when filling out your profile, you specify the usual things such as your age, what you look like and write a little description about yourself.
Then, the second part of the registration is where you actually zero down on the type of woman you like. In the search form, you specify things like age range, the type of woman you want and other parameters.
Once you fill out the familiar form, you click search and you’re presented with a list of available women that you can choose from. Once you find the woman you like, you contact her with a simple message, wait for a reply and initiate the conversation.
Colombian Cupid is a paid site. In order to use the advanced features, you need to pay for a specific membership tier. There are two tiers available: gold and platinum. Gold allows you to chat with the ladies as well as send and receive messages. Platinum gives all the perks of a Gold membership plus a bunch of awesome perks such as rank above all other members, advanced matching and many others.

The main reason to pay for one of the higher tier membership is that it allows you to really exploit the available members on the site and find/contact pretty much any kind of woman you want.
After all, what’s the point of using an amazing membership site when you can’t contact all the women that you want? That’s why signing up for paid membership is so crucial. Don’t worry, it will pay back when you go out with the woman of your dreams soon enough.
Furthermore, the best deal is to sign up for one of the longer tier plans such as the 6-month and 12-month plans. That way you will pay a fraction per month or per day over when you register for something like one month. I personally recommend signing up for 12-months if you’re serious about meeting quality Colombian women.
Colombian Cupid: tips & tricks for getting the most out it
In this section, we’re going to discuss the blueprint for making the very best of Colombian Cupid.
Be Presentable
Everything starts with your profile. Let’s talk about the first thing that catches a woman’s attention: pictures. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, your profile picture is the first thing that catches a woman’s attention. In fact, it’s the first thing that establishes chemistry and sexual attraction. If you have a good picture, a woman will be interested; if you have a crappy picture, she might pass you over for a guy with a better picture.
The best profile pictures are neutral. That means to have a slight smile, a nice background, and a friendly gesture. The best backgrounds are typically that of a nice white sand beach with some beautiful light blue ocean waves. Failing that, any kind of iconic background would work. Maybe a cool skyscraper, a bridge or nice mural on the wall.
Next comes the description. The profile picture hooks a woman, but the description keeps her interested. Even if she’s not completely hooked by your profile picture, she may learn more about you, your interests and what kind of women you like and realize that you’re an interesting person and begin to like you.
Keep your description short and to the point. Making it witty helps, too. What you don’t want to do is write a 5,000-word manuscript as though you’re pitching your book idea to an editor. No woman is going to waste time reading a long description of someone.
Get those two elements fixed and you have an excellent profile that attracts amazing women.
Make it known that you will visit Colombia soon
One of the advantages of online dating is that you don’t need to physically be in the country. So, you can potentially be sitting in your living room in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or London and be messaging women in Bogota, Medellin or Cartagena.
Women also understand this. Since they speak to lots of guys on these online dating sites, they inherently know that many of these guys are living in their home countries and have little to no intention of visiting Colombia and actually meeting them.
Which is why it’s very important to let the woman that you’re chatting with that you do intend on visiting Colombia and plan on doing it very soon. That will set you apart from other guys make you a serious contender in the woman’s eyes. From that point on, she’ll be more invested in the relationship and will make serious plans to see when you arrive.
Filter out quality women early on
While there are lots of quality women, there are also plenty of women who’re looking to screw you over or, at least, use you a wallet and nothing else. Fortunately, when you know what to look for you can figure out exactly what kind of woman you’re dealing with.
When chatting with a woman on an online dating site such as Colombian Cupid, pay close attention to what she’s saying. Does she ask you questions about what kind of job you have? Or what kind of car you drive? Or what’s like in the USA (or whichever country you’re from)? Is she trying to gauge how much money you make?
The worst one is if she directly asks you for money online, even without meeting you. These are the kinds of women you want to stay clear off. A quality girl would never ask you any of these questions and definitely would never ask you to give her money directly. Cut these women out of your life and never look back.
The master game plan

If you want to be successful with anything, it’s important to have a plan, a strategy to execute things in a way that will yield you with the best returns. Thankfully with online dating and sites like Colombian Cupid, meeting and seducing women works to your advantage.
Here’s a great strategy that will help you meet the maximum amount of women as possible in the shortest amount of time.
1) Plan your trip to Colombia and begin talking to girls up to a few months in advance (up to a month in advance works best)
2) Message 5-10 women with a simple “Hello, how are you?” or “Hola, Que tal?”
3) Feel the women’s reaction. If they take too long to respond and are genuinely not really interested, don’t invest more time into the interaction and focus on the women who respond quickly and rapidly.
4) After they respond to your initial message, ask them if they speak English. (If you’re fluent in Spanish, you can skip this step and continue the interaction in Spanish)
5) After a few message exchanges and when you feel the woman is excited about talking to you, take the interaction off the site by requesting her WhatsApp (used by everyone in Colombia). The reason for switching communication platforms is because it requires a higher level of investment from the woman to hand out her number. Some women won’t do that because they’re not serious about meeting you. That’s fine. You can filter those women out.
6) Continue chatting with her on WhatsApp from time to time until you arrive in Colombia.
7) Once you arrive, ask her out to a decent restaurant or just meet her at some park and go from there.
In my experience, this is the best way to meet women—but not just any women, women that are actually interested in meeting you in person instead of just wasting your time.
This strategy has worked exceptionally well for me in Colombia and also has worked very well for many of my friends who took trips to the country. A couple of my close friends ended up meeting their future wives this way.
Always gauge the woman’s interest level when you’re initially getting to know her. Does she promptly respond to your messages? Does ask you questions about your life? Is she excited about you coming to visit her?
All of these are things that you should always be paying attention while you’re talking to her. A woman may play games and just string you along without intention of meeting you, but if you listen to her words carefully, you will get good at filtering out the women that have zero interest in you whatsoever.
Spanish conversation tips and flirting
Here are some easy conversation starters and flirting tips:
- Como estas? – How are you?
- Soy Americano – I’m American
- Me gusta bailar – I like to dance
- Que estas haciendo? – What are you doing?
- Vamos a salir al noche – Let’s go out tonight.
- Te quiero ver – I want to see you.
- Te amo – I love you
- Te quiero besar – I want to kiss you
- Quiero hacer amor contigo – I want to make love to you
- Que quieres hacer? – What do you want to do?
- Que quieres hacer mañana – What do you want to do tomorrow?
- Te gusta tomar? – Do you like to drink (alcohol)
- Vamos a encontrarnos en este bar – Let’s meet at this bar (name the bar).
Final thoughts
There’s nothing easier than meeting women online. When you meet women online, you avoid things like rejection and all the other uncomfortable feelings. After all, we’re in the 21st century and have a technology called the Internet. So why not use it?
Moreover, you can do that all from the comfort of your own couch in Los Angeles, New York or Cape Town. Then, when you arrive, you don’t need to start from scratch and instead have a whole array of women that are dying to meet you. It honestly doesn’t get simpler than this.
Having said all that, it’s important to keep in mind that women exist in all stripes and sizes. There are good women and there are bad women. The purpose of this guide is to help you meet the most amount of Colombian women in a short amount of time. Hopefully, it has fulfilled its purpose. Don’t delay—start meeting Colombian women here.