Tall, dark and sexy. Those were my first impressions of Serbian women after I landed in Belgrade’s Tesla International Airport. Over the next few days, as I braved the chilly street of Serbia’s capital, my impressions were only strengthened, reinforced and solidified.
I’ve been with all kinds of women but there’s something very alluring about Slavic women. First, they’re very feminine — they just ooze femininity. While the rest of the world is being infested with feminist cancer, Serbia—like the rest of Slavic countries—has simply been immune.
Seems like feminism and Slavs are like oil and water: they just don’t mix too well. Of course, as an Eastern European guy, I’m also a bit biased having grown up around them from an early age.
My single gripe with Slavic women is that most of them have pale skin. I’m not much into blondes and prefer my women to have a bit of color, especially if they have a bit darker skin tones. There are the Spaniards and Italians but they’re quickly going the way of their American counterparts: unfeminine, rude and bitchy.
Then again, I’m just not too crazy about Western women.
Come to think of it, Brazilian women fit this requirement perfectly with their sexy olive skin and bikini tans, but I’m miles away from the promised land.
Enter Serbia. Serbian women are Slavic but with dark, olive-skinned complexions of their Mediterranean counterparts. They are tall, slim, have dark hair and striking eyes. Result: the perfect combination of beauty, elegance, and sexiness.
Before we get into women, a little history lesson is in order. And Serbia is one country that’s rich in history. For 500 years it was ruled by Ottoman Empire (Turks). After its collapse, the region gained the notoriety of being known as the “Powder Keg of Europe” as the inciter of several conflicts leading to the outbreak of World War I.
After World War II, it became one of the five republics of the newly formed Yugoslavia. In 1991 — after more disastrous wars — it finally became an independent state. In 1999, Serbia was accused by Western nations of genocide and subsequently bombed by NATO.
The latest issue is the partly recognized Republic of Kosovo (which is now a de-facto state), and, as I quickly discovered, an interesting topic of conversation with the girls. Although, I would recommend treading carefully when discussing politics and other sensitive issues.
For many years, Serbia and the surrounding region has been a melting pot of different races such as Slavs, Turks, and Muslims. That might explain the country’s interesting culture as well as the dark/sexy complexion of the women.
Serbians speak Serbian, a south Slavic language, which is the same as Croatian and Montenegrin. Unlike Croatians who use the Latin alphabet, Serbians use Cyrillic, so if you don’t know a Cyrillic language, you might need to familiarize yourself with it to understand and read the signs. It’s very simple and shouldn’t take you much time.
As a native Russian speaker, I could easily understand most of the written text but being able to understand spoken speech was next to impossible. Moreover, I’ve heard that if you already speak another Slavic language, becoming fluent in Serbian takes as little as 1-3 months.
If speaking foreign languages isn’t your thing, you’ll be glad to know that English is widely spoken in Serbia. (That’s what I had to rely on.) Most Serbians under 35 have a decent command of English; of course, the younger generation tends to speak it very well.
The women
OK, now we’re getting to the part of why you’re here: women.
It seems like the more south in Europe you go, the more traditional and relationship-minded are the women. Northern European women like Danish and Swedish are fairly easy to bed and tend to sleep on first dates. On the other hand, The Balkans are home of the most traditional women on the entire European continent. (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese women are also very traditional, but, unlike Serbian women, they’re much more Westernized.)
Traditional means you can’t just fly here, meet a girl on your way home from the airport and have sex within a few hours. It just doesn’t work like that. This is definitely not America with its no-strings-attached culture.
Traditional means meeting a woman, inviting her on a couple of dates, doing lots of walks and just generally getting to know her first before commencing any kind of a relationship, sexual or otherwise.
A longer time commitment is required. Think weeks and months instead of days and weekends. Serbian women, like other Balkan people, rarely have one-night stands, and will need to see you a few times before giving you access to the goods. The good news is that the women are extremely loyal to their men, a far cry from the “anything goes” culture of Western countries (particularly American).
Serbians are also some of the tallest people in Europe, along with Dutch and Lithuanians. Unlike the other two, Serbians are also relatively big and intimidating people.
Women are also pretty tall. It was very common to see women who were at least 5’8 (173 cm) and above. Add a pair of high heels and your typical Serbian woman can easily reach 180-185cm.
At only 5’9 (175 cm), I was definitely on the short end of the spectrum in Belgrade. Sure, there were guys my height and women who were shorter, but the average height hovered somewhere around 1.78-1.80 (5’11-6’).
So, if you’re someone who’s on the shorter side (under 5’7), be prepared to be surrounded by lots of tall people.
Personally, I prefer women who are my height or shorter. Though, I don’t have any insecurities dating women who’re taller. It’s just I know from experience that most women would prefer a taller guy so that they can wear their high heels without feeling insecure themselves.
What kind of guys do Serbian women like?
First of all, Serbians love Russian-speakers. So, if you’re from Eastern Europe and speak Russian (Ukrainian, Russian, Belorussian, and other former republics), you will generally have a good time.
As soon as a Serbian person discovered that I’m a Russian-speaker (or as soon as they noticed me speaking Russian on the phone), they immediately became receptive and started asking me questions.
Obviously, this is more so with the older generation (30+); younger women are more Westernized. They wear Nike’s, carry their iPhones and love watching Sex And The City.
Apart from Russian-speakers, I noticed Serbian women have a preference for darker men: Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese as well as Latin Americans.
Meeting women during the day
When I was in Belgrade last month, I spent most days walking around the city and approaching women. Honestly, I’m not a big approach machine and don’t have a natural ability women I don’t know, but what made it easier was the fact that I really needed directions because I was an outsider.
So, what I did was carry a city map with me at all times, making it easy to approach girls waiting at public squares, parks and bus stops.
As soon as I spotted a cute girl, I would walk over, and ask her if she knew a particular landmark. Then, I would judge her reaction.
If she wasn’t in a rush to go anywhere and seemed interested in continuing our conversation, I would ask her a couple of questions, tell her where I’m from and go from there.
If things continued to go well, I would ask her for a number or invite her out to get something to eat or go for a walk. The center of Belgrade is very walkable, so it’s never a problem to go for a pleasant walk or jump into a cozy coffee shop.
Generally, I found Serbian girls to be very warm and approachable. One girl even volunteered to be my guide, showing me around the old fortress of Kalemegdan.

Where to meet women during the day
A great place to jumpstart your day game is to head to one of the main city squares (I liked Trg Republica with the big monument). There you will see various people waiting for their friends to show up.
The other good place to spit game is the pedestrian street of Knez Mihailova.
Generally speaking, you really can’t go wrong meeting women anywhere in the center area. It’s very compact. There are tons of different coffee shops and restaurants. That’s where you’ll meet women who’re just strolling around and not really in a rush to go anywhere.
When a woman isn’t in a rush anywhere, she’s probably looking to be approached. So, if you notice a cute girl, don’t hesitate to approach her and strike a conversation.
In some countries approaching is easier because of eye contact (especially Ukraine and Russia). In Serbia, however, you will almost never receive eye contact (I almost never did). Thus, don’t make the mistake of waiting for any approach invitations (e.g., eye contact) before approaching her.
If I waited for eye contact in Serbia, I would never meet a single girl and get laid.
Meeting women at night

Serbia like other Balkan countries (including Romania, but not counting Croatia) isn’t the best place to meet women at night. Generally, women go out to party and drink with groups of friends, people they already know.
When you go out, you will notice big groups of people consisting of men and women. The problem is that you won’t know if the guys in the group are the girls’ boyfriends, brothers, protectors or just friends from school or work.
Unfortunately, unlike American or British bars where people are typically standing up and talking to each other—and looking to meet others. In Serbia, people typically go out with those they already know.
This makes it hard to meet people at night.
An exception is to visit a club targeted to foreigners. Popular clubs change all the time so ask anyone in Belgrade and they’ll point you in the right direction. It will be much easier to meet women in the clubs than in the bars.
When going to the clubs, make sure to dress sharp. A fitted suit with or without a tie is an option, but you can also wear a nice jacket, a good shirt with a nice pair of jeans. Don’t forget to shine your shoes (no sneakers). And you’ll be ready to meet beautiful women.
If you’re Latin, you must check out one of the many Latin/Salsa clubs in Belgrade. The last time I was there, I didn’t see a single foreigner. What I did see was a club full of gorgeous women dressed to the 9s, who were dying to dance Latin beats, but, because Serbian guys, don’t like to dance, there weren’t many takers.
Thus, if you know a thing or two about Latin dances, this would be the very first place I would check out.
Meeting women online
Meeting women online is a true-tested mechanism and is popular pretty much anywhere in the world.
Obviously one of the most popular ways to meet women is via Tinder, an app through which you can meet women from Argentina to Zimbabwe and anywhere in between.
In my experience, Tinder has generally worked really well in Serbia. Unlike in other countries, I generally didn’t have to work very hard to get matches.
As soon as I got a match, I would send her a quick message. If she replied, I would try to add her on either Viber or WhatsApp, two of the most popular apps, the former being very popular in the region. This is exactly what I did in Ukraine, and has generally worked very well.
After that, I would immediately try to arrange a date.
The thing about this part of the world is that you don’t really need to plan dates that far in advance. If you ask a girl out on chat, she automatically assumes you mean the same day or tonight. In that case, she would immediately tell you whether she’s available to meet up or not.
I would say that 50% of the women I asked were able to meet up later that night for a drink. The remaining ones were either unavailable the same day or just plainly weren’t interested.
Still, if you rely on Tinder alone, and have a decent profile, you should have no problems setting a date for every day of the weak or even having dates twice a day if you’re so inclined.
Of course, once you start meeting women, you’ll probably click with a few of them (hopefully), and they would be interested in seeing you again. Thus, as time goes on you’ll have a mix of new women and those who you’ve seen before.
During my trip to Belgrade, I had to spend several days working, so I wasn’t available to meet a new woman every single day. Nevertheless, I met more than enough women during my stay that I didn’t really need to go out that much.
Where to stay in Serbia

Serbia isn’t a huge country, but it’s diverse enough with various regions and cities. A great way to think about Serbia is that there are actually two Serbia’s: north and south, with the capital of Belgrade straddling in the middle.
Chances are, your first point of contact will be Belgrade. Belgrade is the capital and Serbia’s largest city. It’s not a huge city, with a population of only 1.3M. Thus it’s smaller than other capitals like Kiev, Minsk and, of course, Moscow.
Belgrade is an awesome city. It’s walkable, friendly and is, for the most part, aesthetically pleasing. I say, “for the most part” because Serbia was one of the countries that were bombed by NATO during the 1999 campaign.
When I was there, there were several buildings that were completely destroyed and gutted. I think the government decided against preparing them to show the world how a European country was bombed by other European nations.
Belgrade is divided by the river Danube. To the north of the river, you have the neighborhood of New Belgrade, a mostly residential neighborhood without much action.
The center, and where most of the action takes place, is actually to the south of the river. That’s where you have the main pedestrian street with all the shops as well as the main square.
When I was in Belgrade, I stayed in a great neighborhood called “Dorćol.” It was a very bohemian neighborhood and even reminded me a little of Latin America. This is an ideal area of the city to rent an apartment. There are tons of great little coffee shops, restaurants and unique shops for you to check out.
It’s also a great neighborhood to do some approaches because the women who’re walking around aren’t in especially on-guard as compared to other parts of the city that are full of discos and bars—and horny men.
Another big city is Novi Sad in the northern Vojvodina region. Vojvodina is completely different from Belgrade and Southern Serbia. The women there have lighter skin tones and, in my opinion, are more approachable than women in both Belgrade in the Southern region.
I took a day trip to Novi Sad from Belgrade. I did about five approaches and got four numbers. The last girl was genuinely scared of some foreigner approaching her.
In the South, you have the main city of Niš. The southern region is much more traditional and conservative owing to the fact that it was ruled by the Ottomans for many years.
Women are typically much more conservative and family-oriented in the South than in both Belgrade and Northern Serbia.
Although I didn’t visit Niš, I was told by many Serbs that Niš is actually “the authentic” Serbia. I wasn’t actually sure what they meant, but I assumed what they were referring to is a more traditional, more Balkan part of Serbia where people are friendlier and more open than in the North.
Another thing I heard about Niš is that it’s a place where you can have excellent food, especially amazing meat, a Serbian specialty.
The food

Owing to its long history and pleasant weather, Serbia makes for a great culinary destination.
The first thing I noticed is the heavy influence of Arabic and Turkish cuisine. There are tons of Turkish restaurants where one can grab a “doner.” Plus, they also have their own popular sauce, “Ajvar” and “Kajmac” that are derived from similar Turkish sauces.
Meat is also a big deal in Serbia. In fact, during my sojourn in Belgrade, it appeared that meat was the only thing I ate. One of my favorite restaurants was an outdoor joint in the center that served amazing meat.
I once ordered a plate of meat, thinking that it would be of modest size and that I would need to order something else later on. Indeed, the plate wasn’t large but it seemed never-ending. I remember eating, eating and eating and still not seeing the bottom of that plate.
When I finished the plate, I realized that it was one of the delicious meat plates I’ve ever eaten.
As I mentioned above, I was told on numerous occasions that the southern city of Niš is known for their amazing bbq, steaks and other meat plates. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to visit it when I was there, but I will make the trip next time.
When to visit Serbia
Unlike Eastern Europe, Serbia is blessed with a much warmer climate and longer summers. There are still four basic seasons: cold winter, nice spring, hot summer, and a comfortable fall.
My first trip to Belgrade was in the winter; February to be exact. The city was covered with snow like a typical Eastern European capital. But it wasn’t too cold, only about -5 C (28 F) or so.
My second trip to Belgrade was in late September, several years later. I had just spent the summer in St. Petersburg, Russia. While the summer in Russia was pleasant, as soon as September hit, the temperatures rapidly dropped and the skies turned from bright sunny to cloudy. Not to mention that people became groggier and unfriendlier. The Russian winter was just around the corner.
So, I grabbed a flight to Belgrade, Serbia. When I landed in Belgrade, the temperature was a balmy 28C, and I felt I was on vacation. It also helped my Airbnb apartment had a beautiful garden area where I was having breakfast every morning. It was a far cry from St. Petersburg and its cold and windy weather.
It stayed warm until around the beginning of November. Around that time, the temperatures began to gradually drop and, by the end of November, it had gotten pretty cold. At that point, I left Belgrade for a warmer climate.
Final thoughts
Serbia was my first foray into Balkans. (I’ve also been to Romania, but it’s debatable whether it’s considered to be part of the region.)
My first trip only lasted a week. For the second trip, I stayed much longer: three months.
Still, even three months felt like barely scratching the surface. That’s why I certainly plan to do a longer trip next time and visit more countries in the area: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and even Croatia.
If you’re planning a trip to Serbia, don’t think twice, just grab a ticket and go. You will not be disappointed. It’s one of the most interesting and friendliest countries I’ve visited—not just in Europe but in the entire world.
BTW, if you’re interested in meeting and dating Serbian women, I wholeheartedly recommend this site.