Ukrainian girls

Ukrainian Girls: #1 Dating Guide

Ukrainian girls are special and I’m pretty sure that you’re not going to mind-blown to hear that. I’m sure you’ve at least seem them, if not in real life, then at least you’ve seen the pictures on the Internet or at least have heard about them from some friend who’s been to Ukraine.
As someone who’s been living in Ukraine for over 5 years, in this comprehensive guide, I want to cover everything there’s to know about Ukrainian girls, so you know exactly what they’re like, what they like, how to meet and date them, and, even, how to marry them.

Ukrainian girls physical characteristics

Ukrainian can be described using the following adjectives: slender, feminine, sexy. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian women have long straight hair that can go as far down as their waist.
Ukrainian girls put a lot of effort into their appearance and are always trying to look their best and perfect. It’s a far cry from the women of most Western countries such as America where the women stopped taking care of their appearance. 
As someone who’s been to over 80 countries, I can’t think of a single country where I’ve seen prettier girls than Ukrainian girls.
Ukrainian girls

Ukrainian dating culture

Ukrainian dating culture can be summed up in one word: traditional. It’s how America was about 50 years ago.
In a nutshell, it means the man has to be the man, and the woman stays a woman. When I say being a man, I’m talking about being confident, aggressive, fearful and not being afraid to go for what you want. 
When it comes to women, you can expect a friendly, feminine and always ready to please women who adore the men they’re with and are always ready to do whatever it takes to keep him happy.

Where do I meet Ukrainian girls?

You can meet them anywhere in Ukraine, really. Whether it’s during the day or night, when you’re in Ukraine, Ukrainian girls are pretty much everywhere.
During the day, my favorite places for meeting them would be in the coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, lounges and, especially, in the parks. You see, parks are a pretty big deal in Ukraine, so unless it’s freezing, you will find Ukrainian girls out and about, sitting on the benches in the parks or just hanging out.
At night, you have a completely new array of options that opens up to you for meeting Ukrainian girls. For example, most of the big Ukrainian cities have amazing nightlife, so you’ll be confused about where to go and meet women. Just like anywhere else in Eastern Europe, the nightlife is always happening and is always fun.
My favorite cities for meeting Ukrainian girls are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa, and Lviv.
For instance, the girls in Kiev are very cosmopolitan and typically open to meeting new people, whether they’re other random Ukrainian guys or foreign guys. That’s regardless of whether the girl is originally from Kyiv or recently moved from another city.
Outside Kyiv, in the other Ukrainian big cities, women are typically slightly less cosmopolitan and open to meeting new people, especially foreigners. 
When I lived in Kharkiv and Dnipro for a few months, I found it rather difficult to meet new Ukrainian women, and I say this as a local Ukrainian guy, so I found it rather strange.
In those other big cities, you’re much better off meeting Ukrainian girls through existing social circles, like this dating site, rather than approaching them on the streets and hoping to get them to like you.

Best cities for meeting Ukrainian girls

While all women in Ukraine are Ukrainian women, the type of Ukrainian girl you meet varies greatly depending on the city in the country.
My favorite cities in Ukraine for meeting Ukrainian girls are, in that order:

  • Kyiv: The capital. Think New York City. Ukrainian girls here tend to be more cosmopolitan, friendlier and just downright more open to meeting all kinds of guys, whether they’re Ukrainian guys or foreigners.
  • Odessa: The beach. Think Miami. Ukrainian girls here love showing off, love being in shape and love wearing the most expensive clothes. One of my good friends believes that Odessa has the hottest Ukrainian girls. I disagree because I believe Kyiv does. You be the judge!
  • Kharkiv: The Chicago. Kharkiv is the 2nd largest Ukrainian city and former capital. I would categorize it as a “Middle America” type city like Chicago, Detroit or even St. Louis. The people aren’t as “friendly” or cosmopolitan as you’d find in the capital, but the upside is that there are a lot fewer foreigners so speaking English definitely gets noticed much more than in Kiev.
  • Dnipro: The Detroit. Dnipro is a nice smaller city with a very compact and walkable center with some nice restaurants, bars, and cafes. It’s very similar to Kharkiv in its mindset and mentality so it’s definitely not as cosmopolitan. It’s also much less traveled and explored than Kharkiv so being a foreigner is definitely something special that you don’t experience in Kyiv.
  • Lviv: Lviv is the only Western Ukrainian city I have on the list. Lviv is radically different from the rest of Ukraine in many ways. The first is that it’s predominantly a Ukrainian-speaking city rather than Russian as all the previously mentioned cities. Second, the women just look different as compared to the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine. It’s hard to describe it, but something is different about them. Since it’s the part of the country that’s closest to Europe, many of the girls are more exposed to European life than the rest of the country. As you might’ve guessed, being a foreigner there isn’t much a novelty as compared to the more Eastern parts of the country.

Ukrainian girls

Best Ukrainian dating sites and apps

There are several legitimate Ukrainian dating sites and apps for meeting Ukrainian girls. First, there’s Tinder, which is popular all over the world. The main problem with Tinder is that it’s not really suitable for meeting quality women. There’s little vetting so everyone can create an account and start matching. 
If you’re looking for a much better option to meet UA women, that would UA date, one of the most popular and successful dating sites in Ukraine. Not only have I’ve met plenty of great Ukrainian girls that have gone on to become great girlfriends and even friends, but some of my friends even married women off that site! The best part is that you can create a free account and start matching right away.
Beyond that, there are various Ukrainian dating services where you’re charged exorbitant fees for contacting you with local women. I’ve never used any of those services and, frankly, I believe they’re unnecessary. 

Marrying a Ukrainian woman

Marrying a Ukrainian woman is a serious step that must be heavily considered and contemplated. 
I won’t lie: there’s a certain stigma attached to foreigners who marry Eastern European women and bring them back to their Western country. The whole foreign brides thing comes to play.
Honestly, if you’re really into your Ukrainian girl, you should go ahead and marry her. But before you do so, make sure that she’s really into you and just using you for a Green Card or some other document.
If you have any doubts in your gut, it’s probably a good idea to figure out where they’re coming from.
On the other hand, if you’re absolutely sure there’s true mutual love between the both of you, go ahead and marry. You really don’t know what will happen after marriage if you don’t take the step.

What languages do they speak in Ukraine?

Ukraine’s official language is Ukrainian, so everything that has to do with the government, all official documents and communication is in Ukrainian.
Now, when we’re talking unofficially, the picture changes. That’s because half of the country (roughly East and South of Kyiv, the capital) speaks Russian, both at home and with their friends.
Russian is the primary language in cities like Poltava, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Odessa. Russian is spoken roughly 70% in Kyiv as well.
Ukrainian is the primary language in cities like Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, and the surrounding areas.
Moreover, even in the heavily Russian areas, you may still find various villages where Ukrainian is primarily spoken.
If you’re a foreigner, you should learn Russian. It’s a much more versatile language and not only does everyone understand and speak it in Ukraine, but it will also come in handy in Russia and other ex-Soviet countries.

Is it safe to travel to Ukraine?

Ukraine is a very safe country. The only area of concern is the Eastern part of Ukraine near the Russian border. 
After the 2014 change of government, there were some uprisings in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions which ended in some parts of those regions having their own regional governments that are aligned with Russia. It’s currently not advised to travel to those regions.
If you’re not looking to travel there, then Ukraine is completely safe. I would even say that it’s much safer than most of the big Western cities like New York, London or Paris.
In all my years of living here, I’ve never had any issues walking alone at night in any of the big cities here. 

Final thoughts

Ukrainian girls are easily some of the most beautiful women in the world and it’s absolutely worth it to take a trip and check it out for yourself, you know, with your own eyes.
As an outside, you will have to get used to a radically different dating culture than what you’re probably used to back home.
It’s not all smooth sailing, but, as they say, it’s the journey that matters and not the destination.

Further reading



