As the popular saying goes, if you can’t get laid in Brazil, you should just pack your bag and go home. But in all honesty, Brazil isn’t the easiest country to get laid in: the Philippines takes that prize.
Over the years, I’ve had numerous friends visit the Philippines and proclaim that it’s the absolute easiest country in the world to get laid in. (Of course, they’re referring to the more developed second-world countries; many of them haven’t been to places like Africa so they can’t really compare those countries to the Philippines.)
The following is a guest article by my good friend Frank, an Australian guy whom I met in Bogota, Colombia. Frank has been a regular visitor to the Philippines for many years and wanted to share his experience.
Take it away, Frank.
Being from Australia, I’ve made over 15 trips over to the Philippines over the years and had heaps of fun every single time. Philippines is also one of my “pit stops” whenever I’m flying back home from Europe. Instead of returning straight to Australia, I usually hop over to the Philippines for about a week or two to enjoy the sun and the ladies. It never disappoints.
As mentioned above, if you can’t get laid in the Philippines, then, sorry to say, but there’s probably something wrong with you. Not only are the women much easier than those in Latin America or Eastern Europe (Ukraine is tricky), but as a foreigner (especially if you’re a white guy), you’ll enjoy a certain rockstar status in the Philippines that you simply won’t experience anywhere else.
The women
I spent four years living in Bogota, Colombia, so I speak Spanish and understand Latin women. I would say that Filipino women are very similar to Latin women with a certain Asian twist; but, among all the other Asian women, they’re the closest to Latin women in both looks and mentality.
That means a couple of things. First, they’re very submissive and caring of a man that they’re with. Second, they can be very manipulative, so if you give them an inch, they will have no qualms about grabbing the entire mile.
One of my friends back in London views Filipino women as a mixture of every single explorer and their crew who landed in the Philippines and banged the locals. First, it was the Spaniards. Then, it was the Americans. Thus, the majority of them have a Spanish last name such as Garcia, Santos, Reyes, etc.
Filipinos are both conservative and sexual. Unlike American and other Western women who love talking about sex, a Filipino woman needs to become comfortable with you before topics such as sex come up. It’s not something that you need to hint on as well; they know why you’re talking to them.
Instead, you should approach the interaction in a conservative and pragmatic way. Be friendly and open, get to know them a bit first, set up the first date in a coffee shop or something like that.
The reality is that you don’t need to try very hard to get them to build an attraction to you. As a Westerner—and especially a white guy—you should have women have an attraction to you automatically. That’s unlike in places like the US or Australia where you have to become a dancing monkey for her to like you.
Filipinos can also be very jealous, much more jealous than Western or Latin women. When I was in a relationship, my girl would constantly go through my Facebook and Instagram and ask me questions about the people that I befriended or followed. She also didn’t take it kindly that I had a few hundred female friends on Facebook.
At that point, she wanted to know how long I’ve known them and whether we’ve been intimate or not. This is obviously something you will never hear from your American or even the more jealous Colombian girlfriend.
Meeting Filipino women during the day
In cities like New York or London, day game is normal. It’s fully acceptable to see a cute woman, creep up on her and start talking to her. But in the Philippines, this is not normal behavior. Women aren’t used to random guys running up and chatting them up.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t approach these women; you should still approach, but you must ready for lots of awkward silences and shock on their faces. Just keep going and go for the number, you can contact them later when they’re much more relaxed.
The advantages of day gaming are that you set yourself apart from the hordes of other love tourists who mainly rely on nightlife or online game to meet women.

Meeting Filipino women during the night
I’ll be honest with you. Meeting women at night is a mixed bag. It’s tough. The main problem is that the best venues are constantly changing and it takes a lot of energy to keep track which venues are cool and which aren’t.
The second main problem is the fact that you will run into lots of pros (professionals, hookers, prostitutes, etc) at night and it will be, at least initially, to tell the difference between who’s a pro and who’s not. (Of course, this skill will improve with time.)
The best way to enjoy nightlife is to make some local friends and have them suggest which places are the best for high-quality women. Also, making friends with local expats and love tourists would be ideal as well.
Meeting Filipino women online
Undoubtedly, one of the most popular ways to meet Filipino women is online. There’s a huge convenience factor of being able to browse profiles of eligible women right from your living room couch without needing to be in the country.
There are several ways of meeting women online. First, there’s the all-mighty Tinder that’s used by men and women around the world. The main problem with Tinder, however, is that you’ll typically find lower quality women and even some pros. In my experience, many of the women I tried to arrange a date there ended up flaking or changing the venue location at the last minute. Honestly, I’m too old for bullshit and games, so I dumped that stupid app for better ways.
A much better way to meet women would be to use a site like Filipino Cupid. The women are of higher quality and are more relationship minded than on some of the other sites, including Tinder. They are also a lot less flaky and are just generally to engage and meet.
To use Filipino Cupid, simply sign up here and begin meeting women. It’s that simple. I vouch for this site, and am absolutely certain you’ll meet quality women on there. When I initially signed up, I ended up going on 20 dates in just a week. That was an unforgettable experience!
Honestly, it’s like shooting fish in the barrel. All you have to do is show up (create a free profile) and begin messaging women. More than 90% of them will respond and engage with you. You can then follow up, grab their number and meet them for coffee.
More advice for meeting Filipino women
I want to take a moment and give you some more pointers when it comes to meeting Filipino women.
- Don’t expect to turn a hoe into a housewife: This is true for women from all over the world and certainly applies here in the Philippines. If you’re meeting women in the bars and clubs, understand that many of them certainly wouldn’t be marriage material. Even if you’ve fallen in love with this woman, ask yourself how many other guys have also met her at the same bar or club?
- Age difference matters: While Southeast Asian countries have a reputation where older men (50+, 60+) go in order to find a younger wife, the bigger the age difference, the greater the chance that your young wife or girlfriend would dump you for a younger man. In most of the world that difference is around 10 years; in the Philippines, I wouldn’t stretch it past 20 years of difference. Anything more and the risk of her leaving for a younger man increase. Many Filipino girls will date older men, but still have a younger lover on the side.
- Make sure your woman really loves you: For serious relationships and even marriage, you must be absolutely sure that the women you’re with absolutely love you. You can’t simply fall head over heels for some girl you met in a bar because she smiles and whispers sweet things in your ear. You must be absolutely certain that she’s truly into you and it’s not just in your head. There are several ways to test. Ask your friends for an outsider’s opinion. Ask your girl to do something for you that requires her putting in some effort like looking some important up or getting to another part of town. (It must be something that benefits you only, not both of you.)
- Go for a woman in your tax bracket: if you really want to make sure that a woman isn’t out to use you for your money, go for someone who makes a decent amount of money. She doesn’t need to make as much as you, the rich Westerner, but having a decent education and a decent job can definitely go a long way.
- Trust your gut: Ultimately, the best way to see if this girl is good for you in the long term is to trust your gut. Usually, if you feel that something doesn’t feel right, that maybe your girl has other interests and doing other things behind your back, then most likely you’re right, and those feelings deserve further investigations. Definitely don’t invest your time, money and resources into a woman who doesn’t deserve them. Use common sense.
Red flags
The usual red flags that you would encounter with women in other countries apply in the Philippines. But there’s one thing I really wanted to stress: gold diggers.
Once you combine Asian and Latin cultures, the result is gold digging on another level. I’ve been in all kinds of situations with all kinds of different women trying very creatively to extract money from me.
Fortunately, avoiding gold diggers is fairly easy if you don’t get your feelings involved. Steer clear of women who ask for money. Period. Full stop. It doesn’t matter if her grandmother is dying back in some remote village. It doesn’t matter if she needs money for studies or anything else.
First of all, unless you really know the woman, you can’t really trust anything she says—especially if you know her for a few weeks or less. Second of all, the woman will lose all respect for you if you begin giving her your money. She will see you as a sugar daddy and sponsor instead of someone who she likes as a person. Be very wary of women who ask for money. Quality girls rarely do.
Closing thoughts
Hopefully, this article provided you with an overall picture of what Filipino women really like. In my opinion, there are some of the most loving, loyal and sexy women in Asia and can definitely make great girlfriends and wives (if that’s what you’re looking for).
But like anywhere else, you have to be vigilant and use common sense. This is especially true in the Philippines because, as a Westerner, you will be automatically perceived to be a person of high value and will have many women (some not very desirable) after you.
Regardless of what happens, I’m fairly certain you’ll have an excellent time in the Philippines.